Holy Crap!!!! his spiting good names for more madness movies! COME ON PEOPLE START WRITING THAT DOWN!
If somebody take the "madness Legislation" i will f*cking kill the asshole!
Good movie :3
Holy Crap!!!! his spiting good names for more madness movies! COME ON PEOPLE START WRITING THAT DOWN!
If somebody take the "madness Legislation" i will f*cking kill the asshole!
Good movie :3
i give you an extra point for the white/gray wolf, that was a really good expereience, i love the little puppy :D
Well, i just love it!
Hoper you make a chapter with this guy, i really hoper (great machete n' handgun style).
I Just cant helped, i love character with masks, very well think that abot "angry face mode", finally some body who put Angry face in the subject :3.
Wow, thats is a really hell of a job.
This definetly got to be on my favorites, excelent dialogue, very nice theme, excepcional grapuch :3
and of course, a great Madness.
mmm it keeps me thinking, from what game did you get the idea? :D
maybe, Payday The Heist, one of my most favorite fps co-op games :D
Just an Amazing flash ^_^.
Alot of people have been comparing it to "Payday: The Heist", but I've never played that game at all. This is primarily inspired by the film "Heat".
Holy crap, this is really a good madness movie,
Fantastic Characters,
And Pretty god f*cking song! YYEAA! LamB Of GoD!!! LaiD To ResT!!!
|m|! (+)
Just Awesome!
Wauu, can wait for prt 2, always makinf me laught, thoose bunch of idiots, a mirror that make energy with vanity good looking?, and why the hell i never thought it?
Great Show! keep doing that :D ^_^!
Howwwww thats beautifull, nice flash dud, always making me laught time by time!
Congratulations :D
XDXD hahah so fucking asshole!
Crazy ass sh*t.
Hope it isn't gonna be the only one.
That was an amazing movie, can tell much more, but is a great work, one of the greates confortable stories i've seen.
Please, promise to keep that way you do movies, and keep the open mind to a lot of diferent thing ^_^!
Hot girl :3
Well, thats was a unique experience, can discribe in a million things, but the more represented was "the people are the real monster". The idea is good enough, but even better and magnific is the artwotk, the design and the picture motion, it is a very great excepcional movie, a good work ^_^!.
Good future for your work, keep that way of drawing, and come with alot more ideas, the human been, the bad side of the man, and others. A Hell of a Movie :D!
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Age 30, Male
Pixelart n' writing,
Argentina, ER
Joined on 10/30/08