AWESOME MAN!!!!, Very good Sense Of Humor!!!, Keep Making Funny Movies/Shorts!
AWESOME MAN!!!!, Very good Sense Of Humor!!!, Keep Making Funny Movies/Shorts!
JjAjJAAJ Hooo mY God!!!!!
And I was Aking Where the Hell come from the polar bears!!!!, That is the most smartest movie i ever see, jejejjaja!!
Keep doing that Man!
was a lot of time i didn't see 1 of your subm, & movies, this is my new favotite seres of ng, keep makin that man,
P/D: Mickey is a Dick and a Good Psychosocial.
Cool n' Awesome Movie!!!!
So funny, creative, laughty n' great work, you're awesome, please keep making films about thoose fucking idiotss in life, if this is the first ep. can't imaginate how much greats videos wil be soon!!!
Keep doing that Mans!!!
It Was A long Time Egoraptor.
Finally one of the greates animator of this webpage finalli reachsup a new Movie, man you always make me laught!, Boners?, AWESOME!!!
Yhe Please keep submiting AWESOME THING. But don't Goo away to long :(!
P/D: Now I wanna Play Halo Reach MAN whit my best friend, without boner ofcourse, Now i will play Devil Mcry 3, Its old but WTF! Its AWESOME!!!!
Like Cooking!!!!!
Why always the same act in the Plane theese days?
Awesome Man, Very ell make with Confused Things!
Of course you got confuses with this, thats was it is "MADNESS", Keep doing thtat man!
That is 1OFTHE Most Greates,FUcking Flash i'vr SEE
WTF, that was extrem and espectacular, keep doing that shit you do, realy man you'r doing great!, "Muchas gracias por esa subida, y carajo Tiene muy Buena Musica METAL!, queda sorprendente, sigan poniendole mas buena musica PESADA!, unas recomendaciones: "I Am Hated" - Slipknot, "IMN" - Mudvayne, "Kill Tomorrow" - Mushroomhead, "Zwitter" - Rammstein, "Chapel Of Blood" - Murderdolls, "No More Sorrow" - Linkin Park, etc. I can doing this all fucking night!.
El problema es que solo podia subir canciones no comerciales, de hecho este flash iba a tener 2 o 3 canciones de Rammstein ;( pero nimodo
Good man Goood!!!!!1
Someones doesn't understand, you just can't call somebodys mum fat, its wrong man, wrong!, Awesome video man.
Man Awsome MOVIE!, Whiy nobody thoght about that?
Finally the story of 2 guys in a planet with hot chick who can crunsh them in to the fu"·g wall and do want ever you want, ujajajajjajjajejjkñsckñkñfñ!.
Very good Teaser man;
weeeeeeeeee!!! I'm In F*Cking Newgrounds!
Age 30, Male
Pixelart n' writing,
Argentina, ER
Joined on 10/30/08