You Never gone to lost your favorite series whit this (if you are watching the calendar every day).
Got the image of Salad Finger because when you go to SERIES in Newgrounds, you see Him at your Right og the page, I thing that is more representative for the Character.
Sory about the bad images of mi post, it don't see so god. And for the status of the calendar (for a long time im not care it, its so garbage)
Trduction of the calendar: NAME / PREMIÉRE / CHANEL / TIME / DIRECTOR / SEASON / RANKING / DAY.
My Favorutes Series are: BONES, Dr. House, ((The Listener)), Dexter, Law and Order UVE, My name is Earl and The Ex List.
P/D: THIS IS 100% PROTOTYPE!!. (don't steal mi idea...just kicking :p)
Ok, I Hope You Like!, Thanks For See It, Send My A Comment tTo Now If Its Ok!!! Byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!